Informal Contractions are shortened forms of other words that people use when they talk lightly. Not exactly slang, but are a bit of jargon .
For example , "will" is a short form of "will" . When you say " will be" very quickly , without carefully pronouncing each word , it may seem "being."
Please remember that these informal contractions. I mean, we do not use in the discourse of " right " , and used it almost always written . ( If you see this writing, for example , a caricature , it is because written words are words or dialogues. ) Generally used only when spoken quickly, and by the way, for example, with friends. Some people never even in the vernacular.
It is probably true that informal contractions are more common in American English.
Note also that , unlike normal contractions , usually do not use apostrophes ( ') with contractions informal writing .
These are some of the common informal contractions , with example sentences . Note that the example sentences can be somewhat artificial , because if we do , we can also use other contractions in the same sentence , or even a few words completely precipitate a contraction. For example :
For example , "will" is a short form of "will" . When you say " will be" very quickly , without carefully pronouncing each word , it may seem "being."

It is probably true that informal contractions are more common in American English.
Note also that , unlike normal contractions , usually do not use apostrophes ( ') with contractions informal writing .
These are some of the common informal contractions , with example sentences . Note that the example sentences can be somewhat artificial , because if we do , we can also use other contractions in the same sentence , or even a few words completely precipitate a contraction. For example :
Whatcha going to do? >>
Whatcha gonna do?
Do you want a water?
Do you wanna water?
D'you wanna water?
D'ya wanna water?
Ya wanna water?
Wanna water?
ain't = am not/are not/is not
I ain't sure.
You ain't my boss.
ain't = has not/have not
I ain't done it.
She ain't finished yet.
gimme = give me
Gimme your money.
Don't gimme that rubbish.
Can you gimme a hand?
gonna = going to
Nothing's gonna change my love for you.
I'm not gonna tell you.
What are you gonna do?
gotta = (have) got a
I've gotta gun.
I gotta gun.
She hasn't gotta penny.
Have you gotta car?
gotta = (have) got to
I've gotta go now.
I gotta go now.
We haven't gotta do that.
Have they gotta work?
kinda = kind of
She's kinda cute.
lemme = let me
Lemme go!
wanna = want to
I wanna go home.
wanna = want a
I wanna coffee.
whatcha = what are you
Whatcha going to do?
whatcha = what have you
Whatcha got there?
ya = you
Who saw ya?